Friday, August 6, 2010

Posted at 8PM: There is a Dolphin in in the river in front of the house! This is amazing. The water this far up river should be far too fresh to have a Bottle-nosed Dolphin this far from the Ocean. What a sight to see. I spotted a fin, and was curious as the skate are long gone. I watched, and sure enough, up pops a Dolphin. I ran in the house and got Sherry. I hooked the camera to a Tripod and starting shooting pictures. By the time he/she came up again, he was to far out to get any good shots. However, Sherry did see the beast, so I have a witness. How very exciting!

Beautiful sunrise this morning. The air is heavy with moisture, and the skies are partly cloudy. We will have winds out of the West / Southwest at 6mph today, with a High of 92F. and a Low of 66F. There is a 20% chance of rain. The due point is 72F and the Barometric Pressure is steady at 29.79 millibars.

I was in the bed last night by 8PM. What a grueling day, driving down to southeastern Virginia and back. Over 450 miles and 12 hours. That was a non-stop push to get a little positive cash flow. However, with Sherry's Studio Sales, and my commission deliveries, we are once again in the black. Five weeks of no art shows', and an audit were a pretty big drain on our reserves. Now we are back where we need to be, and ready to do some serious glass. Thanks to all of our art patrons who purchased our glass and allowed us to move forward through this difficult time. Ivan, Robin, David & Val, Tammy & Jeff, Bonnie, and Sheryl, thanks to all of you for your support.

Now it is time to get to work!
The next Leather Back is cut out, painted and in the kiln as I write. I will begin staining soon. This will go into a large, undersea panel. I will probably set it aside, until the next sells. I really should do two at the same time, but....

I also have the next Pecan Point Heron ready to be painted up.
I traced up two, and have one cut and is ready to go to the light box for painting. I will cut out the second, and set it aside, ready to painted and fired after this on sells. I have a little toddy living in the bird house the children built and painted up a few years ago. He is a hansom toad, with a lot of personality. I think I like him, and am anxious to see him stay out the summer with us.

Good thing we did not go to Florida this morning. Capt. Bill had an episode, and will be admitted to the hospital for a few days. Sherry is back and forth. We got good news. The Doctors do not think it was a stroke that he suffered, so some other oxygen related / brain injury. I will get more on this later, but is seems as if he will recover fully, and be home in a few, thank God.

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