Monday, May 10, 2010

We got in late last night from Gosport. It is always good to get back home again. Up this morning by 7:30AM and began the day closing out the job. The morning chores included blowing off the decks. The pecan trees are in the throws of love, and the decks are covered with pollen and the remains of cross pollination. Sherry worked on her torso's and began a shell commission.

Jess came by with Killian. Killian is home with strep throat. Jess and Sherry were off to court for a custody hearing and protective order, so Killian and I spent the day together. I gave him a sling shot, which he enjoyed greatly. Additionally we played several games of "Sorry", and ate a lot of ice cream.

We had a real blow-out this weekend (a blow-out being a big wind that blows all of the water out of the river) which resulted in some very low tides. The blue herons are all over the shore line, fishing in areas they normally can not reach.

This low tide causes the osprey to fish much farther out. They do not seem to mind, and spend most of the day screaming at one another.
Jess and Sherry returned by 4:30PM. Jess collected Killian, and left for home. I have a feeling he will want to return tomorrow, as I have his sling shot here. Vanna called while I was mowing the lawn. We now have a social studies paper due on "Battles of the Civil War". Boy, I am really going to love this one! I'll be tI get an "A".

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