- We have a Blood Red sky this morning, so it looks as if we will have rain coming in sometime today. The Relative Humidity is 77% with a Dew Point of 54F. Our High today will only reach 70F and our Low is at 64F. The Barometric Pressure is 29.94 and steady. Our chance of rain is 70% with calm winds. The Sun came up this morning at 6:59AM and will set this evening at 6:52PM.

I got my early morning call from Sherry. It sounds as if Sherry & Ms.Emmy had a good time last evening, dining in the Hotel Restaurant and enjoying the life of the Big City. They are up early, and ready to head over to the Hospital to check on Capt.Bill. I am to collect them at 11AM.

I began my day with some shots on the river. I had a big Blue Heron in the Osprey tree, but was unable to get a good shot. After the Heron left for the fish net, a nice sized Bald Eagle landed. Again, not enough light to get the good shot. I did get shots of other eagles on the river though, so it was a productive morning. The Sunrise was less than spectacular. Cloud cover prevented a good sunrise, but the colors were pretty intense. I will try again tomorrow.

I have the better part of two Wright Transoms in Fire foiled up and ready. I have some cutting, and a little more grinding, fitting and foiling before I am set to jig-up, but the lions share of the work is complete. I would like to have these ready for the Delaware show this weekend. I will have to work this one alone, as Jess & John are off to Maine, and Sherry has the kids.

Well, it is time to get ready for my trip to the City.
I collected Capt.Bill, Ms. Emmy & Sherry at 11:20AM. The pick-up went without a hitch. Capt.Bill looked none the worst for wear. We arrived in Coltons' Point at 1:20PM, got the Sonntag's settled in and headed back home to get back to our glass projects. It is wonderful to see Sherry. I miss her dearly when she is away, but it is necessary, as Capt.Bill & Ms.Emmy are ill equipped to deal with the problems / logistics associated with heart surgery. She is a great daughter to Mr. & Mrs. Sonntag, and a great wife to me.
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