As see in this photo, there is no one in site, other than the security people. We had a hard rain between 5 and 6, so there was plenty of wet to go around.
- This morning I am up at 5AM in order to move my truck over to the show, in hopes of getting a good spot that I can park and remain all day, staying as close as possible to the show, and yet not so close so I am made to move. This is always a difficult task. The slacker in me wants me to park right next to my booth (which someone else ultimately will). However, if Howard or one of his minions comes along and sees the truck, and decides to have it moved, than I have a problem. By the time I get moved and find another open spot down town, it could be blocks away. On the other hand, if I don't get close now, come breakdown time, all of the close in spaces will be taken, causing me to walk blocks with my heavy glass panels. Additionally, if I park too close and anger someone from the art league, I might not be asked back next year. Always a dilemma.
- This morning we have a sun that will raise late at 7:21 to rainy skies. The High today will top out in the low 70'sF with a Low in the upper 50'sF. Our Relative Humidity is at 100% and our Dew Point is 63F. The Barometer is at 29.96 and steady, and out winds are mild at 5mph out of the South. As I sit writing this I am sitting in my truck, parked at the venue. It is raining and the weather man is telling me that the back end of the front is just to the West of me, and will pass by sun up. (if you believe him). Regardless, it is coming heavy at the moment, and I am in no hurry to leave the shelter of the truck.
- Yesterday was a good show day. We sold one medium sized panel and four transoms. as well as a number of smaller items. We came close to a sale on a small panel, but it was returned because it was too small. We may get a commission out of this, or maybe not. In either case, currently we need the inventory, and I do not need another commission, so if it happens, great, if not, not a problem. The window will still be empty next year. Either way, eventually, I will make that sale.
- The crowds were steady. I saw plenty of art walking out of the show. There are many patrons here, and they purchase art. If the weather clears, I hope to sell a large panel today. We need one more large sale to put me where I need to be to make my numbers. We have improved year over year by 5%. In order for me to continue this trend, and hit my 2010 goal, I will have to have some decent shows over the next four months. Six more shows until we pack up the Studio and head off to sunny Florida, and three additional shows to close out the year. This will have us total out at 35 shows this year. It is hard to believe that we work that hard! Normally, our week consists of:
- Monday; Close out the show, order materials and split the list of "Inventory Replacement".,organize any new commissions, clean and prep the RV for the next show and begin making inventory replacement glass;
- Tuesday through Thursday (mid-day): Inventory replacement;
- Thursday (afternoon/evening): Tag & Bag. Inventory, price and pack what was produced during the week;
- Friday: Travel to show, set up (when possible);
- Saturday: Complete set-up and sell;
- Sunday: Sell and breakdown, pack display, inventory and RV. Travel home; and
- Monday...get up and do it again. Amen.
- A demanding avocation, at best. At worst, grueling. If it rains, if you pull a bad spot in the show, get burnt on a bad check, have brakage, or just do something silly like break your foot, or throw out your back, a million and one things can go wrong, and only one thing can go right, you sell some art. The art business is a tough gig.
- Well, the rain is slacking. I think I will head over and begin my day. It looks like it might be OK. I hope I can hold this parking space!
- 9:20PM Home again home again deddle-li-de. I did have to move. However, the way I moved is what saved the day. I called Sherry and asked her to hurry over to the venue. I placed moved my truck as she was coming in with her car. She took the really good space and I moved the truck over 7 blocks over to vendor parking. At 5PM I went and got the truck. She moved her little car down the street and I reclaimed the space. We loaded up in record time. A stop in Waldorf at the California Burrito and than back home.
- Great day. I think we did a little better than half of yesterday, which will be a great beginning to September, and will keep us right on schedule to hit our numbers this year!
- Tomorrow, close out this job, and start making glass. This is going to be a really big week, production wise. We have a ton of work to do!
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