Mostly clear today, with some light clouds high up in a sky with enough blue to make a pair of Dutchman's breeches. We had a very pleasant High today of 80F and a Low last night of 57F. which made it feel a lot like fall this morning. The chance of rain is 0% with a relative humidity of only 24% and a dew point at 41F. The Barometric pressure is steady at 29.97. Our wind speed is 10 to 15 out of the west. We had a sunrise at 6:38AM this morning. The Sun will set tonight at 7:31 PM. I was up this morning at 5:30AM. I wanted to get some good shots of the clear blue skies after the passing of Earl, who never did amount to much. I do like the name though. It brings back memories of another time, in another life, when the song "Earl Must Die", by the Dixie Chicks would be played on Ten Volume, at 12 mid-night, on a week night by a very mean, angry woman. I suppose it was done (the loud playing of this song) in an attempt to intimidate, cause a violent reaction on my part, or possibly with the hopes that I would, (from lack of sleep) fall asleep at the wheel during my 4 hour commute and end up wrapping my truck around a tree. None of this happened of course, in large part because I have the rare gift of being able to sleep through an earthquake. Odd though now, looking back at those desperate times with all of that hate and emasculation, and wondering how I survived at all, a miracle really, that I escaped alive . It is good to be away, and in a much more loving, happy place. Oh well. I won't have to be reminded of that again until they name a hurricane "Satan's Sister", or "Hell Bitch" . That should make an interesting Weather Channel report..."with high winds and torrential rain, the Category 5 Hurricane Hell Bitch slammed into St.Mary's County Maryland, causing coastal flooding and wide spread destruction. Meanwhile,wobbling about the steering currents in the mid-Atlantic like a very mean drunken sailor, Tropical Storm Satan's Sister is gaining strength, and is expected to make land fall later this week, with sustained winds in excess of 150mph. If she makes land fall on the heels of Hell Bitch, it is predicted Satan's Sister is going to make Katrina look like a Catholic School choir girl...". So much for that lunacy. I am certainly well shut of it, and would never again be in a place so bad as that. Such a dark place. Where I live now is all goodness and light, and I am indeed a very lucky man to have made it here.
I was able to finish up all of my book work (for the time being, as it is never ending) at 5:30PM. The kids have been "chicken necken" all day and have a good mess of crabs. Ms. Emmy is coming over to eat crabs with Killian and Sherry. Madison & I will beg off, and probably have leftovers.
Maybe Killian will catch a perch or two first, and than bait the pots.
The Blue Dog sure was happy to see Killian.
The Osprey are packing for their trip to Florida. This makes me think it is getting close to the time to do the same.
A beautiful sunrise this morning, with a few bands of Earl's left overs.
Ol' Sol is moving further south with ever rising. Soon he will be at the end of Newtowne Neck, and ready to begin his march North again.
Tomorrow...Glass! At last, I get my hands on some glass. I really can not wait!
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