The weather today in Palmdale is the same as it ever was. Mostly Sunny with a High of 83F and a Low of 59F. The chance for rain is 0%. The relative humidity is 94% and the dew point is 54F. The barometer is steady at 30.11. Our sunrise this morning came at 6:50AM and will set this evening at 5:29PM.
Woke up this morning to a violent argument between an otter and a coon. They were going at it under the bedroom window. Their vocalization are distinct, the otter being deeper and more dog like, while the coon twitters. They were fighting over something. When we get these spells of drought, when everything drys up, the wildlife comes out of the cypress swamps and invades the town. No trash can is safe, no fruit, no vegetable. They come looking for food and water. Natures way. I wish it would rain, and rain a lot!
I am back to work on the "9" 's this morning. No great shakes there, just same old same old. Let's see what this old world is going to throw at us today.
So I finished up 8 of the "9"'s. I will try and get up early tomorrow and finish the remaining 4. Sherry had to run into town for a wash tub faucet, and some Cuban bread. She returned to the studio, and went straight into her studio to continue work on her inventory replacement projects. No great shakes. Just regular stuff.
We stopped at 5 and went for our walk, a long one back through the scrub to an area we had not yet walked this year. It was pleasant. The air was fresh and clean with a few clouds in the sky. We returned home and Sherry fixed a meal of sausage, sweet potatoes, and a great salad with fresh avocado. Sherry has been cooking all day, in preparation for the big Thanksgiving dinner with the Langfords tomorrow. She has been slaving away on the main course and all of the fixings, plus salads, desserts, and hors d' oeuvre's. She is an amazing woman, who is a great hostess, chef and entertainer. I love her so much, and would be lost without her.
We got some very bad news today. Sheila Farrell
passed away yesterday. Very sad. She was only 52 years old. She was a friend from long ago. She leaves a young daughter, and will be greatly missed.
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