- Happy Birthday Carrice Ann! Now you have a Brother to celebrate with in the presents of The Lord. Our two Angles in Heaven.
- It looks as if we are in for a day of abundant sunshine. They say the High today will reach 60F. and the Low tonight will dip into the lower 40's. Currently, in is 32F outside, although it does not feel it, being this close to the river. Our relative humidity is at 87% and our dew point is 28F. The barometer stands at 29.99 and is steady. Our winds are out of the West at 5 to 10mph. Our sunrise will come in 10 minutes, at 6:39AM, and will set this evening at 4:59. I do not like daylight savings time. I am the big fan of standard time.
- Much has happened in these past two days, most of it too painful to recount. Still, there is much to do and I must get at it.
- I can not begin to thank all of the people who have given so much of their love for me, and My Boy. I can not express my gratitude to those who propped me up and held me close during this, the most trying time in my life. I can not now, or ever will be able to thank everyone who came to me and comforted my breaking heart. Thank you, one and all.
- Life goes on. Within you, and without you.
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