- We will have abundant sunshine today, with a High of 60F. and a Low tonight right at freezing, although it will reach that right here on the River, it will get very cold. Our relative humidity is 57% and our dew point is 32F. The barometer continues to hold steady at 30.35 inches. Our chance for rain is 0%. The winds are light, out of the North/Northeast at 5 to 10mph. Our sunrise came this morning at 6:42AM and will set this afternoon at 4:57PM.
- Yesterday evening was a wonderful gathering with Blaine's good friend Jake, his wife Beth and this little 2 year old daughter Ali-bear. She is such a pretty girl! Jake gave me many stories of a Blaine I did not know. Jake deeply respected Blaine as a young man of conviction, with good moral fiber and a great value system. I was very proud. Jake was kind enough to return a shotgun Blaine had left with him. It is the old 20ga. Remington 870 pump action Blaine's Mother and I had given him as a young boy. I was with him when he shot an 89 (out of 100) at sporting clays with the gun. We were with Kevin S. in Beltsville. Kevin was very impressed with Blaine's shooting ability. He really could do anything he wanted. I gave Jake two bags of decoys I was holding for Blaine. Hopefully Jake can make good use of them, as I can not bring myself to shot anything anymore. I got too old.
- I have been packing the Work & Play. My studio is just about finished, just some painting supplies, a light box and my cutting systems. Sherry's studio is all packed and is ready to be loaded into the trailer. We have to pick up the truck today, get lumber to pack some panels and finishing the trailer packing today. I have inventory to sign, and load in the truck so we are ready to sell this weekend.
- Tonight we deliver 'Blaine's Panel" and go see his friend Lindsey for a short visit.
- Tomorrow I ship the Baroque panel, go to Blaine's place of business for a visit, and then set up for our last show of the season (in the Northeast).
- Sell sell sell on Saturday and Sunday, and Monday by noon, it is off to Palmdale. I will miss Maryland and the river. I will miss being close to Blaine's spirit. I will not, however, miss the cold.
- I am hoping Mary C. will have some time for a last visit before she heads back to her work and home in California. I know she is anxious to return to her kids, and is torn between her life as a teacher, and her devotion to her mother. We are all of us worried for her Mother. Mary must carry on with her life. I am sorry for her and wish I could do something to make the pain go away. But I know this is impossible. There is so much sadness in all of this.
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