Wonderful 4th of July! Lovely weather. Highs in the Upper 70's to Lower 80'sF., with a nice breeze out of the south/southeast. We enjoyed a great day at the Sonntag's (Sr.), with the entire family. Jess & John gave Mimi some really spectacular birthday gifts, as well as an outstanding birthday cake that was both beautiful and delicious. The whole gang was there; Billy Haden & Ruth, Leah, Danial, Judy, Sara, Katie-bug, Cissilee, Anthony (these two last, are Judy's Fosters') Billy, Kelly, Josh, Bobby Lee, his kids & friends, Eric & Kimberly, Jess & John, Vanna, Chris (Vanna's friend), Maddie & Killian, Capt. Bill & Miss Emmie, and of course Sherry & Yours Truly. Thirty One people total by my count, but there could have been more. Fireworks! Fireworks! and more Fireworks! Uncle Billy had his (brought up by the Haydens from Georgia), Chuck Tolson had his, and the Neighbors two door down had theirs! It was a great show, especially when the Neighbors' two doors down very nearly blew-up their boat! That was spectacular!

Killian with his sparklers!

More Fireworks!

Sherry opening her gifts from Jess & John & The Kids!

Jess taking a picture of me, while I take a picture of her (I'll bet my picture of her looks a Ton better than her picture of me!).

The kids line up at the table for a Wonderful 4th of July Feast!

Everyone enjoyed the river today. We had one cut foot (oyster shell no doubt) but no Jellyfish!

Sara & Capt. Bill enjoying the weather.

Leah & Nova, preparing for a swim? No, Just goofing around!

Miss Emmy & Killian making bubbles!
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