A very nice, cool morning, with a Low of 67F. The High today under mostly cloudy skies is92F. The winds are out of the West at 5 to 10MPH. Humidity is 85%. Barometric Pressure is 29.94 and steady. The chance of rain is 40%.
Here is a female American Goldfinch. They are very green, or maybe it is just the lighting. Either way, they are a beautiful bird!
And speaking of beautiful birds. I can not help myself but to continue to photograph this Blue Grossbeak. It is on of the most stunning birds we have here at the Abell Feeders.
This little fellow, and many, many of his kin, come in to the feeders to eat some corn and get a drink. It is very hot today, so I really can not blame him!
The Bald Eagles were all over the property today. It is really hard to get a good shot of them, as they do not stay long, and their eyes are so good that they easily spot you sneaking in to shoot, and off they go. However, if you are very lucky, and very stealthy, sometimes you get lucky. I would have better shots, but I do not have the time to wait them out.
Killian left us yesterday afternoon. His Momma came by on her way to a showing, and gathered him up. It was a lot of fun having him to ourselves for the day.
I continue work on the Zellmer commission. The goal is to complete this and start on the Robyn commission. I need to have these done before next week, so that I might deliver them to the Tidewater Virginia area. Four stops, eleven panels. Lots of work! I better get back at it.
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