- It was very cool this morning. 44F when I got up. This will not be our Low though. Our Low tonight will be 39F. Our High today will be 64F. We will have Partly cloudy skies with winds from the West Northwest at 10 to 15MPH. The relative humidity is 81% with a Dew Point of 41F.Our chance for rain is 0%. The Barometer is 29.86 and falling. The Sunrise came this morning at 7:31 and will set this evening at 6:08PM.
- I was up at 5:30AM, came into the studio and pulled up some Barred Owl Calls on the computer. He/She came in and crossed the yard traveling North to South. I had hoped he/she would perch in the Osprey Tree, so that I might get a photo. No luck. I shot the sunrise and took a short walk looking for him/her. I could hear one quite a bit off in the distance, but saw no Owl. Maybe tomorrow.
- Jess is going to collect the kids today. It is Trick-or-Treat tonight, so they must go collect their goodies. For me, noone ever comes down here. It is spooky down here under normal circumstances. No chance we will get any trick or treaters. Not since we had two little girls living at the end of the road back in 2002 have we had any Trick-or-Treaters. There are no children in this neighborhood.
- Yesterday I pulled down the Martin House and did some change of season housekeeping. As I had stated, out of 14 compartments, 4 had nests. Of the four nests, one had a complete egg, infertile no doubt, and one had egg fragments indicating a successful hatch. Additionally, I cleaned, painted, and sealed up a Bluebird Nesting Box that had been attached to a Pecan tree, and relocated it to the Martin House Pole. Well, this morning Sherry came into the Studio and informed me the the Bluebirds were all over the Martin House and the Bluebird Box, going in and out of the compartments, and staking their claims. I went quickly to see, and lo-and-behold, indeed the Bluebirds were in fact all over the nesting boxes. It gave me great pleasure to know my hard work was appreciated!
- Killian Scores Again! And so does Madison!I was working away in the studio, and Killian came and asked if I would take him "arrow huntin' ". I agreed, and Madison asked if she could please come along. Off we went, Killian, Madison, The Blue Dog and me. As soon as we picked a line (the most recently washed tide line) we allstarted down. First I found a rough blade, hardly worked. Madison found the twin to mine immediately there after. I than found a very nice black obsidian (or a black chert) and Madison found a broken bottom half. Killian was really getting frustrated. I reminded him he had the mother of all projectile points when, BANG! he hit a beautiful quartz bird point! I walked another two feet and found a very nice, very clean two tone granite. Unfortunately, a corner had been broken off. We continued to find chips, flakes, scrapers, and mother stones, but no more points. We went back to the house and showed Sherry, who immediately wanted to know the who, what, when, where, how of the find. I guess she will be off, as soon as her work is done. Together, we have found 9 nice points, in the past three days.
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