- Happy Birthday Mom!
- Considerable cloudiness this morning. The outside temperature is hovering in the mid 50'sF. Our High today is predicted to hit 74F, which is nice for late October. The relative humidity is 63% and the dew point is 45F. The Barometer is steady at 30.18 inches. Our winds are light out of the Southwest at 6mph. The sun will raise this morning at 7:23 AM and will set this evening at 6:16PM. Our moon raise will come tonight at 7PM sharp, and will set this morning at 9:16AM.
- I had a mind this morning to drive over to White Neck and photograph the Moon setting in the west, just at sunrise, and got up plenty early to do it. However, the clouds have moved in, and there is little chance of me getting the shot I want. One never knows, it may be perfect, or it may be a complete waste of time. As nothing is ever a complete waste of time, I may yet attempt it, but probably not. There will always be another moon, least wise in my lifetime.
- Mom was birthed today in 1924. This would have been her 86th, had she notsuccumbed to the blood disorder that took her away from here. She was a marvelous woman, a wonderful mother, and fine human being. Looking now through the eyes of an old man, she seemed to me child-like and naive in her world view. I distinctly remember her working with me on my lessons regularly until I was in middle school, at which time I had outstripped her in my knowledge for what passed (at that time) as regular schooling. The comprehension of such things was beyond her. She was trusting and gullible in the most innocent way. Such a sweet woman. I can still hear her voice in my mind. I miss her greatly, and think of her always. I was not the best son I should have been to her, neglecting her regularly for what I thought were more important things. When pulled between wife and mother, I would always be the dutiful husband to wife, and the neglectful son to Mother. All of those Thanksgivings and Christmas's spent away from her, with nary a complaint from my dear Mother. Time wasted. Had I only known. Now I would give all, to just hold her hand, if only for a moment. It saddens me greatly that I will not see her again. I love her to a depth I did not know existed when she were here. I wish only I would have told her so more often.
- Happy Birthday Mother.
It was a wonderful day. We departed Abell and headed down to the Point to have Thanksgiving at Capt.Bill & Ms. Emmy's. Jess, John & The Kids, and The Billy Sonntag's were all there. Ms. Emmy created at great meal; Turkey, Pork Roast, Sweet Potato's, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Biscuits, gravy, and slaw. Wow! I went back several times. After we all cleaned up, Sherry, Jess, John and The Kids all went beach combing. Once back home we all had ice cream cake, cheese cake, and bread pudding. The Girls (Vanna & Madison) had their 'un-birthday's', as we will not be here for the real thing. They got lots of good gifts that Sherry took a long time collecting and wrapping. This is another in a long list of things that I love about her.
It was a very enjoyable time, and makes me grateful for the wonderful family I have. I will miss them all greatly when we leave. Tomorrow, Sherry delivers glass, I build glass, and I close out the month! This week we must get over to Judy F's and measure her transom. We will do this on 'pizza night. Additionally, I must do some show filing. Our numbers are just right this year. Onward. Upward. To the Top! 
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