Friday, August 13, 2010

YaaaaHooooo! Sherry made it home safely. And after about twenty minutes of explaining to be all that has happened and is happening with Capt.Bill, she was off again. She intends getting her hair done, and than off with Jess to finish up last minute chores in preparation for the ceremony tomorrow. What a girl she is!

This was a great aerial battle I was able to catch. I heard the Eagle chortling and the Osprey screaming. I grabbed my camera and headed over to Jeff & Tammy's and was able to get the action right in front of me. This is a nice sized fish the Osprey has. After several minutes of combat, the Osprey dropped the fish, and it was picked up by the Eagle who made a hasty retreat into the forest. What a show.

I cut up three turtles this afternoon. Jess called at 5PM and invited me to dinner. As Sherry was already there, I cleaned up and headed over. The girls were all making bouquets for tomorrows' ceremony, while John was cooking a spaghetti dinner. It was wonderful. John is a great cook! We had enough left over that John made a platter and took it up to his folks. I rode along on the golf cart. We had a very nice visit with Bud and Thelma. They are lovely people, and I really enjoy our visit. John is a very attentive Son to his folks. Every parent should be so lucky, to have such an attentive boy.

We said out good-by's at 10PM and headed for home. We were fortunately allowed to have Killian over for the night. He is such a hoot!

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