This was a great aerial battle I was able to catch. I heard the Eagle chortling and the Osprey screaming. I grabbed my camera and headed over to Jeff & Tammy's and was able to get the action right in front of me. This is a nice sized fish the Osprey has. After several minutes of combat, the Osprey dropped the fish, and it was picked up by the Eagle who made a hasty retreat into the forest. What a show.
I cut up three turtles this afternoon. Jess called at 5PM and invited me to dinner. As Sherry was already there, I cleaned up and headed over. The girls were all making bouquets for tomorrows' ceremony, while John was cooking a spaghetti dinner. It was wonderful. John is a great cook! We had enough left over that John made a platter and took it up to his folks. I rode along on the golf cart. We had a very nice visit with Bud and Thelma. They are lovely people, and I really enjoy our visit. John is a very attentive Son to his folks. Every parent should be so lucky, to have such an attentive boy.
We said out good-by's at 10PM and headed for home. We were fortunately allowed to have Killian over for the night. He is such a hoot!
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