I finished foiling up the Comet panel this morning, and went out to solder at the crack of dawn. Sherry went into town, to the market. I was going to go, but decided instead to stay and ready the scamp for sale. The Pileated Woodpeckers were going crazy out in the Hammock today. When the weather turns, they come up out of the cypress swamps looking to expand their range into new nesting sites. We have a small "tank" adjacent to the Hammock and it may be just enough for the Pileated 's to nest. That would be cool. They are a noisy bunch!
My hard work paid off, as I got the second "Comet" complete this morning. It turned out to be a really spectacular panel. I am very pleased with this one!

We got the Scamp all cleaned up and ready to go out to the end of the road with a "For Sale" sign on her. We have had some great times in the old girl. But it is time to go. We are getting very excited about picking up the Forest River. The question is how are we going to manage the time to do it? Regardless, it will get done.
After all of the the Glass work, and the Scamp clean-up, I started on power washing the house. This is an annual chore that I hate, but it has got to be done. Now, after a delicious meal of pork, Jumpin' Johnny beans & sausage, and yellow rice, I am beat. But I have to list the Scamp on Craigs List, UPillar, and eBay classified. Lots of work, that, but it must be done.
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