Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I started really early this morning, 4:30AM. I completed foiling two of the four Wright Transoms. Sherry finished her Connor commission, called the client, and set up a pick-up time for tomorrow afternoon. After lunch, she started in on two of the Wright Transom's, and completed two half rounds.

I got all of the silver stain I fired last night out of the kiln, removed the silver nitrate, and began layout and foiling. I like the swirl pattern, but this morning I stippled the glass for the second panel. Once removed from the kiln and cleaned, the glass looks almost like a curly maple wood. Very rich, and a really nice boarder to the finished panel!

An evening walk, home for dinner, and bed. Tomorrow, Sharon P.'s two huge sidelights are my next project. Before I start in on that, I have to build out a crate for the Elegant Egret. The new owners are coming tomorrow after 3PM. I have received notice from UPS that the glass for the Dooley project is in route. As soon as that arrives, I have to get to work on those two panels, as the client is departing for Pa. on the 15th. In addition to all of these commissions, I received an order for two large transoms via email this evening. Busy busy busy. And we have to pack up and leave for the Maryland Studio in just three weeks. Wow, my plate is getting full!

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