So Sherry's Papaya's didn't make it. She started these from seed way back in late 07' early 08'. Her friend Linda gave her a fruit while we were visiting on Big Pine Key. Sherry germinated the seeds, and transported the seedlings to Maryland that first summer. All fall we stepped around them while they overtook our living room. We transported them back to Florida, and planted them in late 08'. Sherry tried to save them during the Big Freeze in January 09', and nursed them back to health. When we came down in July they were doing gang busters. By October they set fruit. This morning, they were burnt and wilting. The fruit was falling off and all the blossoms were on the ground. Sad this. So much work. And not just the Papayas. Fruit and ornamentals. Franzapani, all of the Palms, Century plant, Yuccas, Philodendron, the Giant Lilly and so on and so on and so on. Sherry talked about it while we went on our evening walk, and decided that we have got to stop planting these cold sensitive plantings. Tonight, we get the same as last night. High 20'sF Low 30sF. We have covered all of the plants again this afternoon. I doubt that it will help. What is not already burnt, probably will be.
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