After completing final layout for The Merrick panel, we spent the better of the afternoon covering up all of our fruit trees. Over 25 citrus tress, macadamia nut, pomegranate, star fruit, coconut, pineapple, passion fruit, not to mention the palms, staghorn fern, orchids, fransipani, and any number of other plantings I know nothing about, much their names. We did get all of the veggies either inside undercover (starts ready to go in the ground) or those already planted we covered and put under heat lights. The citrus trees are the real chore. I Volk Oil Sprayed them yesterday. The oil in conjunction with the cold will kill any leaf miners and other pests.

We have the regular juicers, (Hamilins, Parson Brown, Pineapple, Valencia), Tanglos (Honey Bell), Tangerines (Robinsons, Satsumi, Murcott), Table Oranges (Saginelli Blood Orange, CaraCara Blood Navel), One Sweet Wild Orange, Limes (Key Lime, Persian Lime), Grapefruit (Ruby Red, White), Lemon (pink, yellow) and Citron (Buddas Hand). In addition (and before we knew what we were doing) we germinated seeds from a wild Honey Bell we found at an abandon homestead, and planted the 5 seedlings. We did not know that the seeds rarely produce a plant of the same fruit. The only way to get a true clone of the parent is through grafting, something I have not yet mastered.
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