We got home at about 1:30PM I mowed the lawn, and than over to Jess&John's for dinner. Another wonderful afternoon at the Raleys. Bud and Thelma came over, and the conversation was lively. The raspberries are looking great.

We left at about 7PM, and headed over to Chaptico Wharf road to look at some property.
That is where we got this pic. of a buck in the wheat. Lousy picture, pretty neat seeing these deer. We headed over to Copples Marina to meet Billy & Kelly, and look over their new boat. Very nice. Now home to a good nights sleep. Big day tomorrow.

Sherry having lunch with the Blue Dog at Panara Bread.

Gotta make this quick. We are getting ready to pack up the camper, and head back to Maryland. The show yesterday was mediocre at best. It was hot and the crowds were thin. We sold the Silver Stained Turtle, and that was about it.

Blue and I were up before the sun this morning. We stalked and photographed the Hudsonian Godwit. A nice addition to the life list.
Have to run. Sherry is waiting to pack up!

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