We had a great afternoon with the Raley's and the Sonntags. Capt. Bill & Ms. Emmy came over for Murphy's Fried Chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, rolls, fruit salad, pickled red-beet eggs, and jojo fries. Jess & John brought Ben & Jerry's to go with the cake Sherry and Killian baked this afternoon.
We had this Juvenile Eagle come by for a visit. He flew right over the house, and I happened to have the camera out taking pictures of John & Killian.

Directly after the Juvenile passed through the neighborhood, these two adults came flying in. We watched in amazement as they locked talons in mid-flight, did a roll while falling towards the river, only to disengage moments before they would have hit the water, and off they flew, one toward Newtowne Neck, the other toward St. Clements Island. We all looked at each other, amazed at what we had just seen. Very Cool!

Capt. Bill and John, just before the festivities begin.

John & Killian having a fast game of table top Fuz-Ball.

and the girls sitting around the table, after ice cream and cake. It was a really nice afternoon, and we all agreed to do it again next Sunday, at the Sonntags.

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