I returned home to find Ethan there ready to weed wack the grass, which he set to immediately. He is the most serious, trustworthy, reliable 11 year old I think that I have ever met. He doesn't seem childlike at all. He is mature, far beyond his years.
I went after the Bowman commission with a vengeance as there was much to do in preparation for their coming. The panels polished up nicely. They were wrapped and the cabinet frames taken out, cleaned up and wrapped likewise.
The Bowman's arrived at around noon. We visited briefly and I presented them with the panels, which they liked very much. They paid up and were on their way. They have two more cabinet door that the would like commissioned, and promised to contact me in November, to begin the process.
Ethan finished up the weed wacking, and I set him to work weeding 'round the citrus trees. The citrus takes a tremendous amount of attention. As Ethan is eager to learn (and he is a quick study) I am more than willing to teach him. Additionally, he knows he can make good money in the summer, tending my little grove in my absents.
He finished up his tasks, put all the tools away (without being told), discussed a fair price for his work, and was on his way with money in his pocket, and a smile on his face! He is a very hard worker, that one.
Freed up now, I went to work on the second Number 9. This one in opalescence glass, designed as window art. It went quickly, and by 3PM I was finished the panel, and began setting up to photograph the work. Tom showed up with Son Roy, to show me the Brazilian Cherry Frame, and ask about the stain color. We selected the color (a dark stain that makes the cherry go almost to a light mahogany). Tom and Roy left, and promised to have the panel complete by tomorrow morning. ( I hope so, as I planned to be in Lake Wales by Noon, so we shall see). In either case, it will be a beautiful piece, once completed. Now I have to figure a fair price for it.
I began to clean up my outside studio and put everything away for the weekend. "A Place for Everything, and Everything in its' Place" as Granddaddy George would say. I started polishing up Sherry's work, tagged and bagged all of the inventory, and loaded into the truck.
Sherry got home at around 4:30PM. She had been out for the day, collecting all things necessary for the Kids Coming. I helped her load everything into the house. I honestly don't know how she does it. All of the shopping, and the whole way into Ft.Myers.
After all was loaded into the house, I separated the Murcott Tangerines into several bags, and hung them for juicing, once the kids arrive. Sherry wanted to go for a walk, but I suggested that I get started on the raised beds behind the studio. She agreed and decided instead to go for a bike ride, while I worked on the raised beds. This is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time! It felt great to get started, and to finally see the large pile of lumber in the back yard, be whittled down some.
The Photo below is the 1st. of 5 raised beds. One bed for summer veggies (tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, onions, carrots, beets, pole beans, bush beans, etc.), one bed for Cole crops (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, etc.), one bed for greens (spinich, kale, collards, etc.), a small bed (4'X4') for strawberries, and a small bed (4X4) for herbs. This style bed is nice. It is 4'X8' X 1' and lends itself to being raised further, by simply stacking on more ties. It will be a great joy to get them in, get them filled with good soil, get them planted and mulched, and watch them grow. All in good time!
Sherry brought home a good load ($9.00) of Murcott Tangerines. These are excellent table fruit, but also make wonderful, deep colored orange juice. The best thing you can take in the morning is a tall glass of cold fresh squeezed orange juice, and a couple of bananas.
This is Sherry's "Elegant Egret", just finished yesterday. Sherry sold this panel last week in Coral Springs, and built this one on Monday/Tuesday of this week. It too will sell.
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